By Rev. Malawin P. Cab-ad
The formation and canons can be based by the teachings of the prophets who might had some supporters, followers or disciples in those times. The prophets were once taught to be special because of the thought that they were sent by God to communicate to the people his messages. In ancient Israel, the prophets relayed messages that only one God rules all the nations.
The prophetic books were divided into two groups. The first group consists of the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings. The second group talks about Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the twelve. It’s
a good learning insight also to know that the prophets were classified into major and minor ones. The major prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel while the minor ones were Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.The nature of prophecy
When someone speaks of prophecy or of being a prophet, one might tell that it is something that would pertain to the prediction of future events that will really happen. This may seem true but the complete idea does not rely in forecasting alone. The true nature of the prophets is to interpret the mind and will of God. In other words, there are some events or actions written in these books of prophecies that was not translated literally. Example is when Jeremiah broke a clay pot which shows that God can easily break and destroy Judah.
Accordingly, our instructor explained that the prophets were not moralists, statesmen or politicians. Their function was to reveal the mind of God.
The book of Amos
Amos was the first prophet who came from the small town of Tekoa in the hill of Judah. He was once an active citizen in the reigns of King Uzziah of Judah (782-742 B.C.) and Jeroboam II of Israel (786-746 B.C.).
The editorial introduction in chapter 1:1-2 is the outline of the book. Other highlights were the oracles against the nation (chapter 1:3-2:16). The three summons to hear Yahweh’s word can be found on chapter 3-5:17. The warning of those who desire the day of Yahweh (Amos 5:18-6:14). It also includes the five visions which are
the vision of locusts, fire, summer fruit and destruction that can all be found in chapters 7:1-9:10.The book of Hosea
Another prophet named Hosea was included in the prophetic books as it showcases the nature of prophecy. He was the son of Beeri and during these times, Israel gained prosperity under the rule of Jeroboam II but did not last long until the place faced a disastrous event leading the disappearance of the nation from political scene. Hosea’s prophecies started after the death of Amos (750 B.C.)
Hosea condemns the empty pomp of Israel’s pure external cult as well as the pride of the people in its own wealth and military power.
The messages of Hosea in his prophecies conveys the following:
- Warning against the self-seeking kings of Israel.
- Warning against Baalism.
- An encouragement for Yahwism as Hosea is for Yahweh and Yahweh is for Israel if only they trust him.
- A message of promise that will give future restoration and bring all the people of Israel to Yahweh.
The book of Isaiah
Isaiah’s prophecy is somewhat the continuation of the previous prophet’s message of a deep covenant between God and his people in Israel. Just after King Uzziah died, Isaiah became a prophet (chapter 6:1). Specific messages of Isaiah define the holiness and power of the God of Israel about social and economic justice (chapter 5:24). He also told about God’s good plans (chapter 28:23-29). In typical prophetic pattern, he speaks of coming judgment because of Israel’s failure, but also of promised restoration, and moving from Israel to the wider world. The book of Isaiah consists of 66 chapters.
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