Christians suffering in Extreme Poverty
Other Bible versions use the term very severe. This is pointing out that during those times, Christians might be experiencing the heaviest and most painful suffering the world has never known. They were very poor yet their situation welled up to kindness and generosity, which Paul describes it as “exceeding our own expectations.” Were they rewarded? It was not mentioned but Paul guaranteed that if they continue excelling in the grace of giving and kindness, then it will return to them when they are also in need. If you are also experiencing very terrible, lonely,
Try not to wallow in depression if you have problems. You have to think that you are more blessed than other people do. If you want to be helped, God is asking you to do something good, to exercise your faith not just by reading the Bible or by praying or by attending mass. Go out and sow acts of kindness and generosity! In this way, you’ll never know how your problems can be solved through the realizations of doing things that is pleasing to God.
Expect less or nothing in return
Others might advise you that when you show kindness to someone in need or when you give, it will not come back to you. Don’t ever buy such lie. In fact, it’s okay to give and expect a blessing from God. It’s okay if you think that when you give, answers from your problems would be revealed. But if you keep on giving just because you are always expecting for more rewards, always expecting for something, then it’s time to assess your heart. What’s your real purpose when you give? Is it to please God? Or to please yourself only because you know there’s always a reward in giving?
The act of kindness and giving should relay a message of pure love with less or no expectations in our hearts. It is also offering yourself not to which you need more than other people do but offering yourself to which more people need than you do.
When some Christians commit themselves to serve God, one of their biggest mistakes is they trade their service for a greater blessing for themselves. It’s as if they are trying to buy God’s goodness. They’re using God for themselves. We sow giving and kindness so that our faith will be strengthened, not our own material prosperity. We can be blessed with prosperity but the main purpose of such blessing is so that we can give more. Many criticize some Christian leaders who are prosperity-oriented in their teachings but they never know these Christians give almost 80-90% of their
income to fund their own charities and ministries. Rick Warren, author of the famous Purpose-Driven Life which has sold more than 30 million copies worldwide donates 90% of his royalties to build churches in poor countries and to fund his ministries. This is a true measure of generosity and kindness.The fruits of Generosity and Kindness
That’s why it’s very encouraging for us to go out and help others in need. In due time, we’ll soon reap the harvest of our planted seeds. We may not be able to see the relationship of kindness and generosity to our struggles and problems in life but remember, we cannot determine a tree unless we see its fruit that grows. The same thing as when you will not know the meaning of kindness and generosity unless you have tried sowing and reaping it during harvest time. If you plant generosity, the fruit is gratitude and friendship. If you plant kindness, the fruit is joy and goodness. If you plant both, the fruit is love.
God will soon bless you more fruits of your sown acts of generosity and kindness. Just try planting and never expect for a reward. In this case, God will soon bless you with an unexpected blessing. The bible says “… your plenty will supply what they need, so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need.” That’s already safe in the knowledge that when you are kind and generous, God will send an instrument to help you in your needs, not in your wants. If in case God blessed you with your wants and you never expected it, that’s a bonus point for you because he loves you and he wants to give you some enjoyment for your life upon serving him.
Giving is not only about money
However, you may also be thinking, what if you really don’t have money to give? Then sacrifice some of your time and effort in serving the Lord. Generosity may not only speak of giving your money for the Lord or others in need. It is also about helping others one way or another. Try to visit an orphanage or a nursing home and make people happy by just communicating with them. Volunteer in a church or any organization that you think you can be a big help.